Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Underwood Farms Picking Fresh Strawberries

Today we visited Underwood Farms in Moorpark to pick strawberries fresh off the farm. I wanted my 5 year old daughter to see how vegetables and fruits grow from the earth on a farm. We saw planting areas for snap peas, lettuce, berries, oranges, and tomatoes. She loved seeing how different the plants looked and what the vegetables and fruits looked like while they grew.

While she was picking her strawberries, I explained that the strawberries could only grow if we had the right weather conditions, the right soil, and plenty of water. She got to taste the strawberries as she was picking them and loved the feeling of picking her own fruit from the earth.

I loved seeing all the little kids picking their own berries and tasting the fruit as they picked. They were learning about respecting the earth and what wonderful natural gifts the earth gives us if we treat the earth with respect and love. These children were also learning to love a healthy sweet natural treat on a beautiful sunny warm California day.

Teaching our kids about fresh fruits and vegetables is such an important lesson. If they learn these healthy eating habits early on in life, they will continue healthy eating habits into their adult years.
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